PiKarma: To Detects Wireless Network Attack
It Detects wireless network attacks performed by KARMA module (fake AP). Starts deauthentication attack (for fake access points). Working Principle for PiKarma
How works KARMA Attack?
Example:Softwares and hardwares that uses KARMA module
TO Check all DEMO click the following YouTube Link https://www.youtube.com/ UsageRequirements
Kali Linux:Download PiKarma:git clone https://github.com/WiPi- Install Python librarie(s):pip install termcolorIt's done! Run the program with following command: Monitor mode:airmon-ng start interface(wlan0,wlan1) (Monitor mode) or ifconfig wlan0 down iwconfig wlan0 mode Monitor ifconfig wlan0 up Run:cd PiKarmapython PiKarma.py -h