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Instagram 2018: How to Monetize Your Instagram Page as a PRO

12 Reasons Why Instagram Dominates Every Social Media Platform
With this comprehensive step-by-step course , the only reason you won’t succeed will be a catastrophe where Instagram magically disappears overnight (and the likelihood of that happening is slim to none!).
It’s hard for people to believe that you can really do wonders for your business and your brand with such a deceivingly simple social media platform. Instagram was eventually sold to Facebook for $1billion, a testament to the incredible value and future that Instagram has as a social media platform.
Today, Instagram is valued at more than $40 billion!
Do you want to drive traffic to your website or sales funnel? Instagram allows you to do that at speeds that will amaze you. Are you looking for a way to share the dream that’s been placed in your heart with people around the world? Instagram can help you do that as well, at a very high level. How about adding something more personal and relatable to your content? Instagram gives you the ultimate power of storytelling through engaging photos, short videos and live streaming. It is the ultimate platform for providing people with an intimate look into your life and your business in real-time.
You need to understand that with your mobile phone you possess the most valuable yet underutilized marketing tool in existence. Instagram will not provide this extraordinary opportunity for long because other people, especially marketers, will see how powerful this social media platform is and soon everyone will be on Instagram.
Here are 12 reasons why Instagram is dominating all the other social media platforms:
  1. Instagram allows you to reach up to 100% of your followers, Facebook only allows you to reach about 6%
  2. Instagram’s engagement is amazing (likes, comments, shares, etc.) – 58 times more than Facebook and 120 times more than Twitter
  3. Instagram is extremely easy to use – next to no learning curve
  4. 2016: Instagram had 23% growth compared to 1.8% growth for Facebook, Twitter actually lost users
  5. Instagram has equal distribution amongst iPhone and Android users
  6. Instagram currently has 650-plus million active monthly users
  7. Organic engagement has grown by 115% on Instagram – compared to a 63% decrease of organic engagement on Facebook
  8. The average order is $65 on Instagram versus only $55 on Facebook
  9. Instagram’s growth rate continues to double every other smartphone app
  10. Instagram is extremely efficient at deleting fake or spam accounts
  11. 96% of marketers use Facebook, while 36% use Instagram (On Instagram you only have to compete with about a third of the marketers online)
  12. The average Instagram account grows in followers by 16% per month(Nearly 200% per year)
Each bullet point in that list is a dream come true for any business or Influencer who wants to expand their reach and create another source of income. Why would a business not want to take advantage of the extraordinary opportunities Instagram gives us? It’s baffling to see how many people make the conscious choice to dismiss Instagram as an effective marketing tool. 
Here’s the one thing you really need to get your mind around if you are going to achieve fast and long-term success on this hot social media platform:
Successful Instagram marketers do what 99.9% of people will not do. They do not treat it like something that can be hastily put together and updated without care or attention. Each and every element is carefully and purposefully engineered to achieve their goal: Improve and increase traffic, increase engagement, boost sales via higher conversions rates. In this cources, you will learn how to create your own strategy that defines you and your brand on Instagram. I’m going to teach you exactly how to create an extremely loyal and active community of followers that rely on you for massive value.
  • If you are a business: This course is going to teach you exactly how to grow your Instagram following fast, generate massive traffic to your website or sales funnel, and how to collect targeted email leads faster than any other place on the entire Internet.
  • If you are not a business: Get ready to learn how your Instagram page can become a business and turned into a money making machine no matter what previous experience you may or may not have! 
One final note: You need to really think about what you are looking to get out of Instagram:
  • Why are you making an Instagram account in the first place?
  • Do you have the energy, self-discipline and resources to follow each of the time-tested techniques and strategies that I give you in this course?
  • What are your goals (for follower growth and weekly revenue)?
  • Do you already have an existing brand that you want to promote and grow?
  • Are you willing to put in the time to create appealing images and visual content that delivers massive value to your followers?
I hope you’re ready to generate predictable profits and experience massive growth and engagement on your Instagram page.
Let’s dive in!

Who is the target audience?
  • Someone That Wants To Grow Their Business With Instagram
  • Someone That Wants To Build Their Instagram Page
  • A Small Business Owner

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