Bring the NGSS to Life - STEM Careers in Your Curriculum
Same content, new focus!
Why do I need to know this?
It is a dreaded question by all science teachers, and for several years I lacked a good answer. In this teacher professional development course, you will learn what I did to answer this question while enjoying skyrocketing student interest and achievement in STEM. By learning how to deliver your existing content through the lens of STEM careers, you too can achieve these remarkable results and actually enjoy teaching again. ‘Before’ and ‘after’ examples from a middle school, high school, and preschool course will be shared. I will explain how I incorporated STEM career exploration into my existing curriculum, and share simple steps and free technology resources available to help fellow educators do the same.
Who is the target audience?
- Teachers of middle and high school science
- Preservice science educators
- Informal science educators