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Finance Fundamentals: Project Evaluation with NPV

Finance Fundamentals: Project Evaluation with NPV

This is an introductory course designed for people who would like to gain a better understanding of how financial theory is used in project evaluation.  If you come from a non-finance background, but would like to learn finance fundamentals, as well as understand what is required to build a simple financial model in Microsoft Excel, then this is the course for you.  
The focus of this "Finance Fundamentals" course will be Project Evaluation with Net Present Value. You do not need to have any prior knowledge, and I have tried my best to structure the course so that the material builds logically on each other.  We will start by looking at the time value of money concept, before moving onto simple present value type calculations.  After this, we will look more closely at Net Present Value as a capital budgeting decision tool.  I will then walk you through how to develop a simple pro-forma income statement so that you can estimate the Free Cash Flows for your own project. 
By the end of this course, you will be able to take your project ideas, and translate them into a simple financial model which will help you decide if the project is financially sound. 
Throughout the course, I use a combination of slides, calculation type questions, and excel exercises to help cement your understanding of the subject matter.  All templates are provided so that you can follow along, and get the most of the material. 
Course outline:
  • Time Value of Money
  • Present Value
  • Net Present Value
  • Calculating Free Cash Flows
  • Depreciation
  • Pro-Forma Income Statements
  • Calculating Terminal Value / Continuing Value
  • Discounting Adjustments
  • Looking at Risk
  • Brief overview of Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Payback Periods

I will be trying my best to continual improving the course as time goes on, by adding more exercises and solution videos to the course.
Feel free to message me any questions you may have about the course.  I will try my best to answer them as promptly as I can.  I hope to see you inside :)  
Thanks Everyone Minh  
Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone that wants to improve or gain finance knowledge and skills
  • Anyone that wants to understand how Project are evaluated from a financial perspective
  • Anyone interested in financial modelling
  • Anyone interested in learning how to calculate items such as present value, free cash flow, depreciation, terminal value, NPV, IRR, or payback periods.
  • This is an Introductory Course. No prior knowledge in finance is required.

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