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Project "Agility" Techniques to Embrace and Enable Change

Project "Agility" Techniques to embrace and enable Change

In this group you have a number of individual videos that look at various techniques like Timeboxes, Prioritization and Iterative Development that are key to successful projects ensuring that they deliver the beneficial change the business seek from the project and its objectives.
We look at the "Why" and then "What" it does and finally, and most importantly, "How" to use it and and how it helps in delivering the right change.
I am now offering these courses for free in this group.
For a payment of £35, when you have completed watching all the videos completely, (I am able to confirm this) then you can request a "Certification of Completion" which I will send you electronically.

Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone willing and wanting to learn and expand their "Toolkit" when it comes to delivering change through projects

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