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Responsive Web Development using HTML5 & CSS3

Responsive Web Development using HTML5 & CSS3

By completion this course, you will be able to read and write front end web development code using HTML5 and CSS3. This course gives you hands on and practical experience on detailed HTML5 and CSS3. Contents of this tutorial # 
Mastering HTML5
  • Introduction to HTML
  • HTML4 vs. HTML5
  • Making your first HTML page
  • Tools to create HTML files
  • Base HTML Tags
  • Paragraph Tags
  • Break Tags
  • Header Tags
  • Bold and Italic Tags
  • Ordered and unordered Lists
  • Image Tags
  • Difference between Absolute Links and Relative Links
  • Hyperlinking to an external page
  • Hyperlinking to an email address
  • Hyperlinking to a file in your site
  • Playing and Controlling Audio
  • Playing and Controlling Video
Mastering CSS3
  • What is CSS? Why we need it?
  • What's new in CSS3
  • CSS Selectors, properties and attributes
  • ID Selectors
  • Class Selectors
  • Element Selectors
  • All Selectors
  • Inlinse style sheets
  • External Style sheets
  • The Box model
  • Adding Color
  • Working with fonts
  • Background images
  • Styling ID tags
  • Float and Clear
  • Block and inline elements
  • Positioning
  • Adding the elements

Learning HTML5 and CSS3 is one of the fastest ways to improve your career, specially on web development. 
Hope this course will be used as a helping hand for your  prospective career. Please dig on free preview videos for more information.

Who is the target audience?
  • Who wanna learn Responsive Web Development
  • Who wanna learn HTML5
  • Who wanna learn CSS3

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