Philosophy and Psychology for the 21st Century
The word PHILOSOPHY literally means "The Love of Wisdom".
Unfortunately, what the word PHILOSOPHY for a lot of people has come to be connected to is boring lectures from boring professors and a lot of very confusing technical jargon.
In this course, we are going to explore the PRACTICAL side of philosophy, and focus on HOW IT CAN BE USED TO IMPROVE OUR LIVES.
1. What ancient philosophy has to teach us
2. How to apply the best of ancient philosophy to our lives in the 21st century
3. What the Renessiance and Enlightenment have to teach us
4. How to apply the best ideas of the Renessiance and Enlightenment to our lives in the 21st century
5. Some of the most useful ideas that the greatest thinkers and philosophers throughout time have shared with the world, but that largely remain misunderstood or unused
6. How studying philosophy can change your life for the better
7. How an understanding of philosophy can increase your health, well being and happiness
8. How modern society is actually designed to decrease our happiness and well being and what to do about it
9. How to start becoming the best version of yourself and begin building the life of your dreams
10. How to avoid some of the most common causes of stress, anxiety, and fear in modern society
11. Much more!
Join the course, and learn how to apply the teachings of Philosophy from throughout the ages to your life in the 21st century!
Who is the target audience?
- Anyone who wants to improve their lives through the best ideas that the greatest thinkers in history have to offer