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Ultimate Guide To Angular For Beginners - Build An RPG

Ultimate Guide To Angular For Beginners - Build An RPG

Learning is boosted greatly by doing. And doing something is always easier when it is fun. This course takes those ideas and runs with it. Here, we will be building our very own Role Playing Game. Everything from creating a character to creating a fully interactive story to thrill your users and friends.
Are Role Playing Games not your thing? That's totally fine! This course focuses so much more on the concepts of how the code works and how to use it and reason about it. The game is merely a vessel to make the concepts easier to understand and to have a product we can be proud of and have fun with at the end.
With the skills learned in this course, you will be able to create anything you want! This may even be a great head start into a major career change as everything we will learn is applicable in the working world of web development.
This course will focus on the following technologies:
  • Angular
  • JavaScript
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
Angular is arguably the most popular JavaScript frameworks used on the internet today. It will be the powerhouse of our application and will meld together JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3.
JavaScript is what makes the internet the interactive experience we know and love. It will be used to control all of the logic for running our game.
HTML5 is the latest and greatest version of HTML, which is a language that provides the structure for most websites your have ever visited.
CSS3 is the latest and greatest version of CSS, which provides the styling (colors, shapes, sizes) of everything on the internet.
Want to learn more? Enroll now and get ready to learn and have fun!
Learn how to use the most popular technologies for web development in a fun and rewarding way!
Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone and everyone interested in getting into web development for the first time.
  • Anyone who has programming knowledge but would like to branch out.
  • Anyone who likes to learn by doing, and who wants to walk away with an awesome product they made themselves.
  • Anyone who loves Role Playing Games.

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