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edX : 7 Global Development Courses | Leadership

Leadership in Global Development
To create a better world for everyone, it's essential to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life for the most needy among us. This MicroMasters program was designed to help professionals in the development sector - the people on the frontlines - improve their knowledge and ascend in their careers.
Featured course in the program:
Adaptive Leadership in Development

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Marketing Analytics
Over a half million jobs were recently created that require “analytics skills” - are you itching to land one of those gigs? This MicroMasters program builds vital skills in quantitative marketing techniques and analysis. Even in entry-level marketing positions, analytical capabilities are a must for career advancement. Don't get left behind! Check out this program now.
Featured course in the program:
Marketing Analytics: Price and Promotion Analytics

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User Experience (UX) Research and Design
For any new product, user experience is a make-it-or-break-it proposition. Learn to be a UX rockstar with this exciting MicroMasters program. You'll get hands-on experience in taking a product from initial concept all the way to user testing - learning to ensure a great user experience at every step. Jump in today!
Featured course in the program:
Introduction to User Experience

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Inclusive Leadership
In today's global workforce there's an intense battle for the best talent. Is your organization ready? This course will teach you the power of inclusion in business - ensuring not only that you can attract the right people, but keep them engaged because they know that their voices are heard. Strengthen your ranks starting now!
Featured course in the program:
Becoming a Successful Leader

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Software Development
Great software development requires not just coding chops, but a whole new way of thinking. This course will teach you to spot recurring patterns in programs, giving you the vital tools to become a development superstar. Don't wait! Get started today!
Featured course in the program:
How to Code: Simple Data

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Introduction to Computer Science
Learn the basics of Computer Science right from the experts at Microsoft! This program is great for anyone. Whether you eventually want to become a professional programmer or just want to understand the basics of the digital machines you use every day, there's no better way to dive in. Start now!
Featured course in the program:
Introduction to Python: Absolute Beginner

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Front-End Web Developer
The average salary for front-end web developers in the US is $104,745. If you've ever wanted to explore front-end development as a career, this program is for you. You'll deepen your knowledge of HTML5, CSS and JavaScript and learn to create and innovate on the internet. Get going today!
Featured course in the program:
HTML5 and CSS Fundamentals

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