C++, Short and Sweet, Part 1
This course is for beginners who want to get started writing programs in C++, taught by Jeremy Siek, a professor at the University of Colorado. No prior knowledge of C++ is assumed. The course is based on the excellent textbook Accelerated C++ by Andrew Koenig and Barbara E. Moo. Like the textbook, the course quickly dives into problem solving and making use of the C++ standard library, including strings, vectors, and lists. The emphasis is on teaching you the parts of C++ that you will most likely need in your day-to-day programming. This course is Part 1 of a planned two-part sequence. Part 1 covers the first seven chapters of Accelerated C++, in particular, Chapters 0 through 6. The course consists of six videos of 50-60 minutes each.
Part 2 of the course, forthcoming, will cover the second half of Accelerated C++, including how to write your own classes and generic functions.