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Programming in SAS for Beginners

Programming in SAS for Beginners

Publisher Analytics Leap
Price $75
Course Length 5 hours
Course Language English


SAS Programming - from beginners to advanced users
This course is updated regularly to include new lectures, quizzes/practice activities
About the course
This course is your complete guide to mastering SAS programming language. This course covers all aspects of SAS programming, starting from basic concepts like – Variables. Datasteps, Datasets, PROC (SAS Procedures) and Importing data in SAS environment to performing operations on data using – SET statement, SAS Functions, Conditional Processing and handling Dates in SAS. It then leads to intermediate level concepts of using SAS Procedures where we cover PROC MEANS, PROC SORT, PROC FREQ and PROC PRINT. Base SAS concepts are then concluded with sessions on Data Merging and Exporting data out of SAS environment.
The next section covers SAS SQL procedure, which is Structured Query Language implementation in SAS environment. In this section we go deep into PROC SQL and cover each of its components – SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, HAVING. It leads to sessions on SQL JOINS – INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN and EXCLUSION JOINS.
We have recently added a new section to the course to cover SAS Macro programming language as well. It covers the concepts of Macro Variables and Macro Programs in great detail, something which is not done in any other beginner level course on this platform.
Needless to say, there are helpful quizzes included in all sections that will help you to cement the concepts learnt. Also, we are committed to add new practice activities so that you can practically apply the concepts learnt in this course.
Why should you start learning SAS NOW!
  • SAS jobs - You will be amazed to see how much SAS programming skills are in demand.
  • Demand is only going to go up – SAS is the pioneer in data analytics industry and is widely used by organizations and analytics service providers.
  • Easy to learn, easy to use and very flexible as compared to its competitors like R and Python
About SAS
SAS is a very powerful, widely used programming language for data entry, management and analysis. Companies are now opening up to the importance of analytically savvy people to their organisations. Currently, the supply is having a hard time meeting up with the need. With our extensive list of online courses in analytics, you can be much better prepared to solve real world business problems and predictive modelling techniques. The development may be gradual but you will have practical knowledge you can apply on your next data analysis job. There is no prerequisite of these SAS certification courses. Anyone can learn it! You can train when and where you want, with courses our available 24/7.
Why learn from Us?
Don’t work hard – Work smart!
Start crushing SAS programming, saving HUNDREDS of dollars with the most effective SAS training courses ever created. Gain instant access to the exact training courses used to train over 500 beginners to become experts in analytics techniques, data manipulation and optimisation techniques.
Call us ambitious, but we are trying to save you time and money while giving you quality.
Because when you are finally able to be the go-to SAS expert not only basic but advanced, when you’ve got reputable companies and start-ups looking for your service, when every project is as easy as drinking a glass of water….
When that happens, we want you to remember this moment.  You will look back on these words, and say “that was when it all changed”.
Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone willing to start their career in data analytics and want to complete an entry level course in SAS
  • Professionals who wants to add SAS programming skills in their portfolio for further growth
  • Graduates/students for better opportunities in the job market because there are various jobs available for the SAS professionals/SAS programmers
  • People who want to broaden their career path and get into jobs where SAS is used to analyse the data.

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