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Introduction to ANSYS Spaceclaim Direct Modeler

Introduction to ANSYS Spaceclaim Direct Modeler

Publisher Sijal Ahmed
Course Length 40 mins
Course Language English


Ansys spaceclaim is 3D direct modeler CAD processing software. It enable you to create and clean geometry at very fast speed. Which makes you highly productive at your job. And you will get more time to work on your simulations.

All the ppt slides, CAD model, spaceclaim file, videos files are available as downloadable material. You can download these files and use them for your learning and educational purposes.

ANSYS SpaceClaim enables anyone to create, edit, or repair geometry without worrying about underlying technology. With SpaceClaim, working with 3D modeling software becomes fast, easy, flexible, and rewarding, no matter where in the workflow you need it.
Users of ANSYS SpaceClaim can:
  • Edit, repair, and create any geometry - without worrying about where the file comes from
  • Increase productivity by removing the CAD bottleneck in your workflow
  • Manipulate geometry faster, easier, and more intuitively resulting in less time spent struggling with geometry and more time dedicated to primary job functions such as manufacturing, analysis, and concept modeling.

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