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JVM Troubleshooting Guide


Java HotSpot VM Heap space
This section will provide you with a high level overview of the different Java Heap memory spaces of the Oracle Java HotSpot VM. This understanding is quite important for any individual involved in production support given how frequent memory problems are observed. Proper knowledge of the Java VM Heap Space is critical.

Your Java VM is basically the foundation of your Java program which provides you with dynamic memory management services, garbage collection, Threads, IO and native operations and more.

The Java Heap Space is the memory "container" of you runtime Java program which provides to your Java program the proper memory spaces it needs (Java Heap, Native Heap) and managed by the JVM itself.

 The JVM HotSpot memory is split between 3 memory spaces:

  • The Java Heap
  • The PermGen (permanent generation) space
  •  The Native Heap (C-Heap)


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