- Learn the skills, knowledge & understanding you need to become effective & highly successful at Affiliate Marketing
- How to become a successful Affiliate Marketer and create a sustainable online income
- Learn about Affiliate Marketing mainly, but also about Copywriting, Email Lists, Email Marketing, Content Monetization, Building a Niche Audience, Facebook Ads
- Learn to become successful at Affiliate Marketing and replace your 9 to 5 job with a sustainable online income
You need a computer or smart phone with access to the internet.
Hungry & Determined to succeed.
Determined to break free from the Matrix.
Warrior mindset.
Discipline / Self-discipline.
Text/PDF version of Course available in Multiple Languages.
The primary objective of this course is to teach you the skills, knowledge & understanding you need to become successful at Affiliate Marketing, with lots of practice, hard work, and discipline. Your final assignment awaits you after completing the course where you’ll be tasked to go get at least 5 sales for this Affiliate Marketing course. If you succeed at this final assignment, if you get at least 5 sales, then you have passed the course and made back what you paid for it + some profit. Furthermore, if you manage to get at least 100 sales for this course, you’ll be rewarded a Certificate of Competence at Affiliate Marketing. So, complete the course, do the final assignment, and then decide from there what you want to do next. You’re welcome to continue selling our course for us for 50% commission on each sale. Table of Contents:- Disclaimer
- Minimum Requirements
- Course Level
- Course Primary Objective
- Discipline
- Pre-Intro
- Intro
- What Is Affiliate Marketing
- How Does Affiliate Marketing Work
- 3 Main Types Of Affiliate Marketing
- Why Affiliate Marketing vs Other Online Business Models
- How Much Money Can You Make
- Content, Platforms, Methods
- Email & Copywriting
- Marketing Resources Of Affiliate Programs
- Building Trust
- Organic Traffic & Paid Ads
- A Generic "Process Flow" In Affiliate Marketing
- Key Points To Help You Become Successful At Affiliate Marketing
- Affiliate Link Disclaimers
- Performance Metrics
- Outsourcing Some Tasks
- Some Questions To Consider
- Recommended Website Hosting Providers
- How To Start
- Outtro & Your Final Assignment
- Your Final Assignment
- Your Optional Assignment (Highly Recommended)
- Some Plans We Have For The Future
- Some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who wants to break free from their 9 to 5 job and build themselves a sustainable online income
- Want to break free from the Matrix? This course is a great place to start your journey
- For anyone who wants a zero nonsense brutally honest course on Affiliate Marketing & building sustainable online incomes
- If you're disciplined and looking for proven business models to build sustainable online income, take this course
- If you're not disciplined, sort that out first before tackling this course
- Struggling to get sales as a beginner Affiliate Marketer? Then take this course to fix that.
- Replace your 9 to 5 job with a sustainable online income through Affiliate Marketing
- If you want to build passive income, Affiliate Marketing is one way to do that, but it requires hard work to get there, and patience
- If you love challenges, take this course
- Want to become financially secure, independent and free, and build real wealth? Start with this course.