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The Polyvagal Theory: Manage Anxiety, Trauma & Autism

What you'll learn

  • in-depth understanding of the Polyvagal theory and its applications in managing anxiety, depression, trauma and autism
  • the neurobiology of anxiety, depression, trauma and autism from the Polyvagal Theory perspective
  • how to repair the social engagement system necessary for managing anxiety, depression, trauma and autism effectively
  • hands-on techniques to strengthen the vagus in order to upregulate the safety and healing pathways, and down-regulate the defence/shutdown pathways
  • several ways to daily stimulate the vagus nerve for wellness, relaxation, confidence and spontaneous social engagement
  • how to examine yourself or your clients for vagus nerve dysfuntion and ways to correct it.
  • how to avoid the typical vagal mistakes made in managing anxiety, depression, trauma and autism
  • connections between childhood trauma and vagal dysfunctions

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