Bootstrap 4.1.2 Responsive Website Design From Scratch
In this course you will learn all about the web development. If you are searching for the Course in which you wanted to learn design and along with that animation then this course is for you. In this course you will learn how to design this complete website from scratch and create custom animation for your website.
Table of Content:-
-) Building a Responsive Mobile Friendly Website
-) Custom Animation
-) Single Page Application(SPA)
-) Parallax Effect
-) Sticky Navigation
-) Scrolling Function
-) Form Validation
-) Amazing Design
- Understanding of HTML and CSS
- Basic understanding of Bootstrap Framework
- Familiar with Jquery
In this course we will cover the design and animation for the website.
So basically in this course you will learn lots of things that you really want to learn. This course clear concept of single page application, creating a custom animation, how to create the parallax effect with complicated design, sticky navigation, how to make a slowly scroll to top function, Form validation for contact form, and how to build the amazing latest user interface design.
But before you take this course make sure you do have understanding of HTML and CSS which is the basic of web development. Furthermore you also have a basic knowledge about bootstrap framework and jquery. If you have better understanding of bootstrap framework and Jquery then you will better understand the course.
We divide our course in few section. First few sections you will learn how to design the website and then at the last you will learn how to create the animation for this website. We will also cover the advance features in this course to understand how the website function work.
Press the Enroll Now and Enjoy the course.
we will see you in the course.
Thank You.
Who is the target audience?
- Any one that wants to learn & master in Bootstrap and build Trending Bootstrap Themes