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Building NodeJS & MongoDB Applications From Scratch 2018

Building NodeJS & MongoDB Applications From Scratch 2018

Publisher Kati Frantz
Course Length 4 hours
Course Language English


What is this course about?
Nodejs, the most popular server side framework (runtime)
Why should I join this course?
The largest companies in the world like PayPal, Uber, etc are switching to the technologies taught in this course. Join this course to upgrade your knowledge and be prepared for the future.
What's the teaching methodology?
This course follows a project driven approach , and at the end of the course, you must have built a complete web application from scratch.
What topics are covered in the course?
  • Nodejs
  • Express framework
  • Mongodb
  • Mongoose ODM
  • Express sessions
  • Mongoose data validation
  • Express Middleware & Request interception
  • User authentication and authorization
  • Dynamic views with templating engines
  • Model View Controller design pattern
  • Password security and hashing
  • Mongoose model hooks
And so so much more !!!
Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone willing to learn how to build web applications with NodeJS, Express and Mongodb (mongoose)

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